Programador USB série para ESP-01 ESP8266

: COM09017
3,09 €

Este conversor USB-Serie TTL usa o chip CH340 e é ideal para programar os módulos WiFi ESP8266 do tipo ESP-01.



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.

This module is the USB adpater / programmer for ESP8266 modules of type ESP-01.
It is conveniently fitted in a 2x4Pin 2.54mm female header to plug the ESP01 (according to the following image).
With the WiFi module
A large 1000μF capacitor will help getting a steady 5.0VCC from the USB bus.
The module is based on the USB-TTL UART converter CH340 from WCH which is compatible with all platforms.
Note: for an usage with Arduino ESP8266 platform and for Arduino IDE it is necessary to switch manually the GPIO0 state for working mode, in order to get a fully automatic upload.

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