Kit de Iniciação para micro:bit (com placa micro:bit) - Keyestudio KS0306

: PCO07130
40,57 €

Este Kit é uma excelente maneira de começares a trabalhar com o micro:bit. Para além de contares com um manual com vários projetos, este kit dá-te a oportunidade de trabalhares com vários componentes e módulos eletrónicos. Já incluí 1un da placa micro:bit!

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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.



  1. online Tutorial:KS0306



keyestudio Beginner Starter Kit for micro:bit is designed for those who love to learn programming. micro:bit is a microcontroller of ARM structure designed by BBC. It is only half size of a credit card, and onboard comes with Bluetooth, accelerometer, electronic compass, three buttons, 5 x 5 LED dot matrix, mainly used for teens programming education.
We specially make this starter kit for you to conveniently learn micro:bit, where includes common used resistors, LEDs, sensors, LED segment display and more, so you can directly start doing the experiments without purchasing other components.The kit also provides you with micro:bit study courses, wiring method and testing code, helping you quickly grasp the programming knowledge. Believing that our Beginner Starter Kit for micro bit can lead you to a wonderful electronic world.


KS0306 (5)KS0306 (2)KS0306 (3)KS0306 (4)KS0306 (1)


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