Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad
  • Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad
  • Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad
  • Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad
  • Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad

Super Condensador - 2.5V 630 Farad

: CEL02007
20,24 €

Se tiver um projecto em que necessita de um super condensador de até 630 Farads então este será o produto certo! Lembre-se que ao contrário de uma saida de tensão de uma bateria os consensadores tem uma descarga imediata quando descarrega.

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Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.

*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


  • When I was studying power supply electronics in school, the instructor always talked about adding BFC's to the circuit - Big Freakin' Capacitors. This here is UHFC - Unbelievably Huge Freaking Capacitor.

    You can use this as a stand-in for a battery, its huge but can charge fast and doesn't degrade like NiMH or Li-Ion/LiPoly batteries. We like to refer to this MAXIM super-cap calculator to figure out how long we can run a project.

    Super capacitors are powerful beasts: the ultra low ESR means that shorting the outputs will create a big spark! Care must be used when working with charged super-caps, these are only for experts who are comfortable with high-current-capable power supplies.



    • 2.5V rated maximum voltage. 630 Farads.
    • This datasheet covers the DL series, this is the older version of what is now the 700F rated cap so the specs will be similar
    • 105mm long x 35mm diameter / 4.1" long x 1.4" diameter
    • Weight: 135.2g