Modulo Expansão - Display LCD Alfanumérico p/ FPGAs
  • Modulo Expansão - Display LCD Alfanumérico p/ FPGAs

Modulo Expansão - Display LCD Alfanumérico p/ FPGAs

: LCD01056
15,12 €

Módulo de expansão LCD 16x2 caracteres para as placas Microcontroladoras/FPGA da Numato Lab. Possui um conector 2x6 pinos compatível com a maioria das placas FPGA da Numato Lab e de outros fabricantes, se bem que neste caso poderá ter que efetuar as ligações manualmente.

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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.

Product Description

This expansion module features a 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD Module which can be added to your custom project using a 2x6 pin connector. It is designed to be used with Numato Lab’s FPGA/Microcontroller boards featuring 2x6 pin Expansion connectors. This module can be used with other boards as well by using manual wiring. This product is compatible with most of Numato Lab's FPGA boards.


  • Product Prototype Development 
  • Development and testing of custom Projects 

 Board features

  • 16x2 Alphanumeric LCD Display 
  • Display backlight 
  • Trim-pot for contrast adjustment 
  • 2x6 pin expansion connector 
  • Dimension: 118mm X 45mm

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