SHT30 Sensor de Temperatura e Humidade Digital i2c

: SEN06057
3,66 €

Este sensor de temperatura e humidade digital SHT30-D da Sensirion tem elevada precisão de leitura de temperatura ± 0.3°C, bem como de Humidade Relativa com 2% de precisão.

Com comunicação i2c, disponibiliza ainda 1 pino de endereço (ADR) que possibilita a ligação de dois sensores no mesmo barramento. Por defeito este pino está ligado à massa com uma resistência de 10k e o endereço é 0x44, no entanto se o ligar a Vin o endereço passa a ser 0x45.

Para exemplos de programação em Arduino aconselhamos a visitar o seguinte link:


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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


Sensiron temperature humidity sensors are some of the best and most accurate devices you can get. They have a true i2c interface for easy reading. The SHT30-D sensor has an excellent relative humidity of 2% accuracy and ± 0.3°C for temperature.

Unlike previous SHT sensors, this sensor has a true i2c interface, and (bonus!) even with two address options. It is also 3.3V or 5V compliant, so you can feed and communicate with it using just about any microcontroller or microcomputer.

Such a beautiful chip - so we spun a breakout board with the SHT30-D and some support circuits, such as pullup resistors and capacitors. Each order comes with a fully assembled and tested breakout pcb and a small header piece. You will need to solder the header on the pcb, but it is quite easy and only takes a few minutes, even for a beginner.

Power pins:

Vin: this is the power pin. The chip can use 2.5~5vdc for power. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller - for example, for a 5V micro such as arduino, use 5V. For a 3.3V controller like a raspbery pi, connect to 3.3V pin and GND.

Logic pins:

For  i2c Logic pins connect SCL-i2c clock pin to your i2c microcontroller clock line. This pin has a 10k pullup resistor to VIN and SDA-i2c Data pin, connect to your i2c microcontroller data line. This pin has also a 10k pullup resistor to VIN.

Other Pins:

ADR is the i2c address selection pin. This pin has a 10k pull down resistor to make the standard i2c address 0x44. You can tie this pin to the VIN to make the address 0x45. The RST is the reset. It has a 10k pullup on it to make the chip active by default. Connect to the GND to do a hardware reset!

You can configure the sensor to alert you when an event has occurred. Check the data sheet to learn how to set up alerts.

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