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Switch rotativo
: ARD03045
4,47 €
Seletor Rotativo 12 Posição, led indicador para cada posição, saída analógica, alimentação 3,3-12V
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
A rotary switch is a switch operated by rotation. It is often used when more than 2 positions are needed, such as multi-speed control. The Rotary Switch uses an analog input to read the 12 state which saves IO resource for the Arduino. This Rotary Switch Module has 12 positions. Each position has the approprite indicator. You can also adjust metal buckle inside the switch to change the position number. So, it's very flexible to use.
A rotary switch consists of a spindle or "rotor" that has a contact arm or "spoke" which projects from its surface like a cam. It has an array of terminals, arranged in a circle around the rotor, each of which serves as a contact for the "spoke" through which any one of a number of different electrical circuits can be connected to the rotor. Thus a rotary switch provides greater pole and throw capabilities than simpler switches do.
Notice:In order to make it easier for users and more intuitive understanding of our products, we are revising the sensor. A new version of the sensor has the following two features.
1. Unify the digital and analog sensor interface,and directly printed A,D on the board to represent analog and digital
2. Each sensor board is printed with an icon to simplely illustrate sensor function.
In order to unfity interface, new version analog sensor pin will all be changed(Please see the following comparison chart). So the new version sensor is currently incompatible with I/O expansion boards, but can be compatible with Romeo. We will continue to update. For the inconvenience caused, please understand.
- 2-12 selectable tap position
- Indicator leds for each position
- Supply voltage: voltage controller
- Interface: Analog
- Size:43x38x40mm
Shipping List
- Rotary Switch (1 unit)
- Analog interface cable(1 unit)
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