Módulo Joystick Biaxial 10K c/ Saída Analógica e Digital

: CEL06008
2,40 €

Este joystick de polegar usa um botão biaxial e dois potenciômetros de metal de 10k de alta qualidade, um para o eixo X e um para Y, para controlar os movimentos direcionais.



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.

This joystick also features a select button that is actuated when the joystick is pressed down. The controller module of this PS2 joystick has two analog outputs and one digital output interface. The analog output values are for 2D movements which correspond to the X and Y axes. The digital output is the Z value which indicates that the joystick was pressed.


The PS2 biaxial joystick breakout board is very similar to the analog joystick on the Sony PS2 controller.


• Number of Pins: 9
• Pin pitch: 2.54 mm
• Color: Black
• Directional Movements: two 10k metal rocker potentiometers
• Output: two analog, one digital


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