Super Dissipador para Raspberry Pi 4 & 3

: PCO01139
16,18 €

Esta super ventoinha de refrigeração ICE Tower CPU para Raspberry Pi nasceu para resolver o problema de dissipação de calor!

Estrutura em torre, tubo de cobre de 5 mm, dissipadores de calor multicamadas, ventilador potente de 7 lâminas, todas as combinações acima fazem este super radiador para Raspberry Pi. No caso de overclock, pode reduzir a temperatura do Raspberry Pi de 80 ℃ para 40 ℃.

Este super dissipador possui ainda 7 LEDs de cores diferentes que mudam automaticamente, deixando o teu ventilador mais bonito e personalizado.



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


This super ICE Tower CPU Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi is born for solving heat dissipation problem!

Tower structure, 5mm copper tube, multi-layer heat sinks, 7 blades powerful fan, all the above combinations make this super radiator for Raspberry Pi. In the case of overclocking, it can reduce the temperature of the Raspberry Pi from 80℃ to 40℃.

Best of all, this super cooling fan support both Raspberry Pi 3 and the new Raspberry Pi 4. In our actual use, we found that Raspberry Pi 4 has a large amount of heat. with the help of this super fan, the powerful performance of the Raspberry Pi 4 will be fully released.

The tower fan has 7 different color LEDs that change automatically, making your fan more beautiful and personalized.


  • Support Raspberry Pi 4B/3B+/3B
  • DC 5V Power in (Can be powered by the Raspberry Pi)
  • ICE Tower Structure
  • 5mm copper tube
  • Super heat dissipation
  • Rated power 0.4W @5V, 0.08A
  • Super cool fan background light
  • Easy to setup




How to Setup


Development Resources

Wiki :


Package Content

Note: Raspberry Pi is NOT included.

Weight: 0.126 kg

  1. ICE Tower Fan for Pi x1



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