Capacitive Fingerprint Reader


The Capacitive Fingerprint Reader is a standard fingerprinting module designed for secondary development, allows fast and stable fingerprint verification.

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*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.

Based on a high-speed digital processor STM32F105R8, combined with high-security commercial fingerprinting algorithm, and advanced semiconductor sensor, the Capacitive Fingerprint Reader becomes a simple but smart integration module, provides functionalities like fingerprint enrolling, image processing, feature finding, template generating and storing, fingerprint matching and searching, etc.


  • Easy to use by some simple commands, you don't have to know any fingerprint technology, or the module inter structure/calculation
  • Commercial fingerprinting algorithm, stable performance, fast verification
  • Sensitive detection, just touch the collecting window lightly, without pressing
  • Allows to freely input/output fingerprint images, fingerprint feature file and other fingerprinting actions
  • Dual communication, UART or USB
  • Processor will enter sleep and wake up when detecting, achieves low power consumption
  • Comes with rich related resources (software on PC, development SDK, tools, and examples for Raspberry/Arduino/STM32)


  • Fingerprint lock
  • Fingerprint safe deposit box
  • Access control system
  • Clock in and out


Parameter Value
Processor (CPU)  STM32F105
Sensor Semiconductor (capacitive)
Module dimension (mm) 45 x 30
Sensor dimension (mm) 33.4 x 20.4
Image DPI 508
Image resolution 192 x 256
Sensing area (mm) 9.6 x 12.8
Fingerprint capacity 1000 (expandable)
Security level 0-9 low to high security, 5 by default
Matching time 1s
False acceptance rate 0.0001%
False rejection rate 0.01%
Dynamic current <40mA
Operating voltage 3.3V-5V
Communication UART or USB
Anti-electrostatic aerial discharge: ± 15KV
contact discharge: ± 8KV



Development Resources

Wiki :


Weight: 0.017 kg

  1. Capacitive Fingerprint Reader x1
  2. PH2.0 wire 20cm 6Pin x1

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