This module measures the surface temperature by detecting infrared radiation energy and wavelength distribution. The IR temperature probe consists of an optical system, photoelectric detector, amplifier, signal processing and output module.
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This module measures the surface temperature by detecting infrared radiation energy and wavelength distribution. The IR temperature probe consists of an optical system, photoelectric detector, amplifier, signal processing and output module. The optical system collects the infrared radiation in its field of view and the infrared radiation energy is converted in to corresponding electrical signals when converging on the photoelectric detector. After being processed by the amplifier and signal processing circuit, the signal is converted in to a temperature value. The MLX90614 is self calibrating and has a low noise amplifier integrated in to the signal processing chip. The chip itself is a 17 bit ADC and DSP device, giving accurate and reliable results.
/*************************************************** * IR Thermometer Sensor-MLX90614 * **************************************************** * This example will measure the ambient temperature and object temperature through the I2C bus * @author jackli(Jack.li@dfrobot.com) * @version V1.0 * @date 2016-2-2 * GNU Lesser General Public License. * See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details. * All above must be included in any redistribution * ****************************************************/ #include < Wire.h > #include < IR_Thermometer_Sensor_MLX90614.h > IR_Thermometer_Sensor_MLX90614 MLX90614 = IR_Thermometer_Sensor_MLX90614(); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); MLX90614.begin(); } void loop() { Serial.print("Ambient = "); Serial.print(MLX90614.GetAmbientTemp_Celsius()); Serial.println(" *C"); Serial.print("Object = "); Serial.print(MLX90614.GetObjectTemp_Celsius()); Serial.println(" *C"); Serial.print("Ambient = "); Serial.print(MLX90614.GetAmbientTemp_Fahrenheit()); Serial.println(" *F"); Serial.print("Object = "); Serial.print(MLX90614.GetObjectTemp_Fahrenheit()); Serial.println(" *F"); Serial.println(); delay(500); }
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This module measures the surface temperature by detecting infrared radiation energy and wavelength distribution. The IR temperature probe consists of an optical system, photoelectric detector, amplifier, signal processing and output module.