BALA2 ESP32 Self-balancing Robot Kit

: ROB03061

BALA2 is a complete self-balancing robot based on ESP-32 controller consisting of two wheels, two DC motors with encoder, an internal 1200mAh battery and a preloaded software with PID control that is responsible for balancing the BALA2.

This Robot is controllable by a Smartphone device or a Transmitter. And can be programmed through Python, UIFlow or Arduino.

If you want to know more about this product, please check the Wiki Page.

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*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.


BALA2 is short for 'Balance', as its name suggests, it is the second generation of M5Stacks balancing robot series. BALA2 is a Self Balancing Robot consisting of am M5Stack Gray and two wheels(DC motors).The base uses STM32F030C8T6 as the main control and has a two-way encoding motor driver and built-in 1200mAh battery.
This robotics product comes with preloaded software. A self-balancing robot application which balances the robot vertically using a closed-loop algorithm. You can program it to automatically move around through programming, or you can combine WiFi and Bluetooth to develop remote control functions.
This Robot is controllable by a Smartphone device or a Transmitter. The BALA2 base contains a wealth of interfaces. In addition to the conventional PortB and PortC, it also supports 8-channel servos, of which 4 channels can be directly connected, and the remaining 4 channels need to be connected from the inside of the base. Even if you have never attempted such a balancing robot program, you can quickly get the hang of it and control it through UIFlow. The self balancing robot uses data from the Accelerometer and Gyroscope to correct its orientation and position.The 2 DC driver module communicates with M5Stack Gray through I2C(0x3A).


Product Features

  1. 9-DOF IMU
  2. Two-wheel drive, PID control balance
  3. Grove extension ports
  4. 8-channel servo drive, 4-channel external connection, 4-channel built-in
  5. Support WiFi/Bluetooth, programmable
  6. Built-in speaker
  7. TF Card Support
  8. LEGO™ Compatible
  9. Programming Support
    1. Python
    2. UIFlow (Blockly)
    3. Arduino



  1. 1x M5Stack Gray + BALA2
  2. 4x Wheel conncetor
  3. 2x HY2.0-4P Cables(20cm)
  4. 2x Bricks
  5. 1x HEX KEY
  6. Type-C USB Cable(120cm)



  1. Balancing car


Usage and Sensor calibration

Note: BALA2 has been calibrated , and it can automatically maintain its balance after turning it on. For manual calibration, please refer to Quick Start



ESP32 240MHz Dual Core,600 DMIPS,520KB SRAM,Wi-Fi,Dual-mode Bluetooth
Flash/RAM 16MB Flash
LCD 2.0 inch, 320x240 Color TFT LCD, ILI9342C
Speaker 1W-0928
Motor Driver HR8833
Base Controller STM32F030C8T6
Ports GROVE I2C*1/UART*1/GPIO*1/SERVO*4(+4 Extendable Channel)
Battery Capacity 1200mAh
Net Weight 157g
Gross Weight 337g
Product Size 54*54*65*mm
Package dimensions           100*100*100mm
Case Material Plastic

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