DIY Flashing / Blinking LED KIT

: CEL03120

This circuit is commonly called a Flashing LED or Blinking LED and has the technical name FLIP FLOP or ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR. It uses two transistors to alternately flash two LEDs and will operate from 3V to 9V.


If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.

*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.

Work voltage:3-9V
PCB size:3.0*2.8cm
resistor R1 e R4 - 470R
resistor R2 e R3 - 10K
electrolytic capacitor C1 e C2 - 47uF/16V
D1 e D2 - LED 5mm
transistor Q1 e Q2 - 9014
J1 - 2P conector
PCB board x1

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