LAN controller with relay V2.0

: PCO05066

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LAN Controller

LAN controller is a simple, but innovative device which has long been lacking in the mar-ket network solutions. A small board serves as a web server which presents the various sensor readings and allows you to remotely control up to 6 outputs. Additionally Events Config feature allow you to program the appropriate action when sensor readings met certain conditions. ISP can use watchdog function, it check the ping up to 5 network de-vices, and if no response runs the relays. Useful for many applications can be a Scheduler, that allows the on / off the device at a specified time or for a specified period of time. There is also PWM outputs to control brightness of light or an electric motor speed. For far rom socket installation board could be powered by passive PoE. Few versions of firmware is available today, each is developed and after publication customer could upgrade it by preapred software (LAN Controller Tools).


Documentation and Firmware

Firmware versions description Our Lan Controller processor is tiny and our custmers demands huge. Becouse we can't fit all desire features in one firmware we decided to publicized different firmware types for different applications. Firmware upgrade is possible by LAN Controller Tools software or (only on Windows XP) or by simple tftp command from terminal window. This upgrade is described in manual in details. This time there are available 2 types of firmware: 2.xx - except main Control Panel site and standard other has Watchdog tab, usefull tool for all IP network managing. This feature allows monitoring 5 IP addreses and cause output reaction if ping respond is not active. 3.xx- Smart Home version is bereft Watchdog tab, but has more features usefull for home or company appliaction. There were added humidity DHT22 sensor support, reading up to 6sth 1wire temperature sensors, support logical inputs work as bistable switches and support reading from pulse measurement instruments for example energy meter.



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