EASY Plug Ultimate Starter Kit for BBC Microbit (without micro:bit board) - Keyestudio KS4022

: PCO07075

This Kit has several types of sensors, such as: flame sensor, humidity, gas and etc. In addition to these sensors, this kit also has several LED modules, servo motors, etc.

If you want to know more about this product, please check the Wiki Page.

Note: Batteries and Micro:bit board not included.


If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.

*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.


Micro:bit is significantly applied to STEM education for teenagers, as a small micro controller, which features small in size, easy to carry, and powerful function.
MakeCode is a framework for creating interactive and engaging programming experiences for those new to the world of programming. The platform provides the foundation for a tailored coding experience to create and run user programs on actual hardware or in a simulated target.
To make you deeply know the micro:bit, we also provide test code and projects.
This ultimate starter kit incorporates different sensors and modules such as passive buzzer, 1602 LCD module, RGB, flame sensor and so on. 





Wiki Page



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