8 channel Capacive Touch Button

: LCD02008
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Board with digital output associated with each capacitive key.
It has a led for each key to see if it is being pressed or not.

Perfect keyboard for interaction with your project.

If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.

*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.

This capacitive touch sensor module uses the TTP226 integrated circuit, making it easy to add capacitive touch input to your project. It features 8 sensitive touch pads that make an ideal replacement for the old fashioned keypads.


  • On-board 8-key TTP226 capacitive touch sensor IC
  • On-board power indicator LED
  • Working Voltage Range: 2.4 V to 5.5 V
  • Configurable output mode
  • PCB Size: 49.3 x 64.5 mm

Wiring example of the 16 key version:


1.....VCC (2.4 - 5.5V)
3.....SCL (serial clock in)
4.....SDO (serial data out)
5.....OUT 1 (key 1 state)
6.....OUT 2 (key 2 state)
7.....OUT 3 (key 3 state)
8.....OUT 4 (key 4 state)
9.....OUT 5 (key 5 state)
10...OUT 6 (key 6 state)
11...OUT 7 (key 7 state)
12...OUT 8 (key 8 state)







/* FILE:    TTP229_16_Key_Capacitive_Touch_Example
   DATE:    25/02/15
   VERSION: 0.1

25/02/15 Created version 0.1

This example sketch will read the current state of the
of the keypad and if a key is pressed output its key number to the serial port.

The sketch assumes that the keypad is configured to 16 key active low mode
by shorting pads P1-3 and P1-P4 together (see schematic or sport forum for more
information). Connect the keypad to your Arduino as follows:

SCL.........Digital pin 8
SDO.........Digital pin 9

/* Define the digital pins used for the clock and data */
#define SCL_PIN 8
#define SDO_PIN 9

/* Used to store the key state */
byte Key;

void setup()
  /* Initialise the serial interface */
  /* Configure the clock and data pins */
  pinMode(SCL_PIN, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(SDO_PIN, INPUT);

/* Main program */
void loop()
  /* Read the current state of the keypad */
  Key = Read_Keypad();
  /* If a key has been pressed output it to the serial port */
  if (Key)

  /* Wait a little before reading again
     so not to flood the serial port*/

/* Read the state of the keypad */
byte Read_Keypad(void)
  byte Count;
  byte Key_State = 0;

  /* Pulse the clock pin 16 times (one for each key of the keypad)
     and read the state of the data pin on each pulse */
  for(Count = 1; Count <= 16; Count++)
    digitalWrite(SCL_PIN, LOW);
    /* If the data pin is low (active low mode) then store the
       current key number */
    if (!digitalRead(SDO_PIN))
      Key_State = Count;
    digitalWrite(SCL_PIN, HIGH);
  return Key_State;

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