Learn robotics with Bot’n Roll ONE C!
Bot’n Roll ONE C is an autonomous robot supplied in parts to be assembled by the user.
It was developed having in mind those who begin in robotics although it is a great challenge for the more experienced. All components are soldered by the user following the instructions in the manual.
For starters, BASIC programming using “Picaxe Programming Editor” is the ideal solution for developing successful applications. USB connectivity enables easy computer interface and programming.
To the more experienced C language is available using MPLAB from MICROCHIP, PIC18F4520 and PICkit2, both sold separately.
I2C bus allows sensors and actuators to be connected to the system and the limit is your imagination. XBee wireless communication has not been forgotten.
Source code, software, manuals and all information are in the product support page.
Bot´n Roll ONE C is the official Roboparty robot and is compatible with all Robocup Junior leagues.
More information in the product support page.
Learn robotics with Bot’n Roll ONE C!