Pack of Components for the Bot'n Roll ONE A
All the Components for the Bot'n Roll ONE A Robot
Components List:
3 Resistors 120 Ohm
13 Resistors de 1K
3 Resistors de 3,3K
5 Resistors de 10K
1 Resistors de 1M
4 Pot 10K
1 Green Led 3mm
2 Red Led 3mm
2 yellow Led3mm
2 Capacitor 33pF
7 Capacitor 100nF
2 Capacitor 100uF 25V
1 Cristal 16MHz
12 Diode 1N4934
1 Zener Diode 5V1
1 Slow Fuse 3A 20x5mm
1 Fuse Holder
1 Fuse Holder Cap
1 IC Atmega328
1 IC PIC18F45K22
1 IC L298N
1 IC LM7805CT
1 Socket IC 28 pins
1 Socket IC 40 pins
2 Infrared Led emitor
2 IR Receptor Sharp GP1UX511QS
1 USB-Série ConverterPOUSB12
2 Transistor PNP BC557
1 Buzzer -
1 LCD Display16x2
1 Conector 16 pins
4 Buttons
1 power swith
1 Conector female 10 pins
2 Conector female 8 pins
1 Conector female 6 pins
1 Conector 3x2
2 Conector KK male 4 pinos
3 Skrew Conector 2 pins
2 jumper Conector 2 pins
1 jumper Conector 3 pins
Screws and Suports for PCB
2 screws M3x10mm (PH1)
2 bolt M3
2 spacer M3x3mm without tread
6 screw M3x8mm (PH1 )
6 screw M3x4mm (PH1 )
6 spacer nylon 12,7mm F/F
Pack of Components for the Bot'n Roll ONE A